My past experiences with the hospitalisation,dog being sick and SIL being killed has caught up with me.
The "black fog" has returned and I've lost the plot with life at the moment.
Have been medicating my self with food and have gained some of the weight I lost while sick.
Dog is still sick having cluster seizures and was hospitalised last week again, every time he goes in it's another $1.5K which is straining our already dismal finances and causing arguments with hubby.
I know if it continues will we have get my boy put down as his quality of life is suffering, the thought of it puts a knife through my heart as he is truly loved and a wonderful companion when everybody pisses off and leaves me at home alone.
There is a quote on the calender today by Elbert Hubbard
"Loneliness is to endure the presence of one who does not understand".
How true.
19 hours ago