I haven't been around much as I've had a pretty stressful week.My workplace at the moment is like a battleground with a lot of politics,finger pointing and blame being levelled in every direction and of course all the muck rakers are ducking for cover - you know like it usually goes. Tomorrow there is a meeting with the Director and General Manager so that will be interesting.I hope it clears the air as this place has almost been unbearable because of all the bad vibes. Also, today of all days, we are having a system upgrade - today is also the day I'm supposed to pay our 100+ employees and I cannot do anything and I am totally pissed off as I expressly stipulated they could do the upgrade as long as there would be no delays. I should have known better as everything is fucked (can you tell I'm pissed).
On the health front I've had an allergic reaction to the meds the Gastro doctor put me on - got a bad dose of the hives which worsened as I had to increase the dose on a daily basis from 3 to 6 tablets. Finally realised something was up when I progressed to 6 tabs and my face and throat swelled - only minor but still a reaction.I feel such a dork as I used to be a bloody nurse and I did not see the warning signs. Because I have so much shit wrong with me I just think it's an existing problem.
On a positive note I'm still sticking to the plan - haven't weighed in this week as I've been too distracted so will do this in the next couple of days.I had better go and get these IT people into gear and get me set up - wish me luck
22 hours ago
Sorry to hear about the drug reaction.. that sux big time...
And I can see why you are mega pissed off at the IT twits...
Hope it all got sorted or you are gonna have 100 employees not happy with no pays...
As long as you get yours done dont stress.. haha
Hope your weigh in goes well.. cheers wanna
I hope your IT people get the computers up and running and you can do what you need to.
Sorry to hear about the drug reaction and hope your doing ok. Hope the stress will go away soon!!
The hives have to suck. Work can be such a he said she said fish bowl of SHIT.
You are doing well, cause I eat when upset.
I don't know how we all managed without computors, hope there fixed soon.
Hope that allergy clears up soon.
Just checking in on ya. Hope work is even a wee bit better???
Congrats on your 1.8 kilo weightloss. That is unreal. I hate Drs, and drugs. I avoid them at all costs. However, at 30kgs overweight, I better start looking at my lifestyle if I want to keep it this way!
Thanks for the comment on my blog.
I am looking forward to getting to know you better!
Wishing both of us some luck. I can't seem to get back into the swing of things.
A whole week without a post, now you sound like me!!!!!
Hope this week goes better for you!
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