Things are a bit better in the ablutions department, not great but at least the "seal has been broken" - ha ha !
I bought some Benefibre after I found out the Movacol (not Movalon as I mentioned in my last post - wishful thinking) was a tad expensive at nearly $40.00.
I have been sticking fairly close to home as I have taken so much laxative material I expected it to come with a G force high enough the crack the sound barrier!!!!!
So will have to wait and see what eventuates as there is over a weeks worth - damn beavers!!!
22 hours ago
Rhubarb with sugar on (a lot of it), it ferments inside you and constipation will end. Saves money on expensive cures.
Salads get me going in no time...but that's just me. Hope things work themselves out soon!!!
And meant to add.....and 5 pounds along with it!!! ha!
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