Thursday 30 August 2007


DA, DA, DA DAH!!!!

Had a loss this morning 1.2 kg (2.64lbs), feeling happy, feeling relieved, still feeling hungry!!!!!
I have reached the 50lbs loss mark - woohoo!!

Looking back it has all been worth it of course, though I still feel empty and am still craving the carbs. I thought this would get better as time went on. I am staying strong though - at least until Sunday. It's my birthday on Sunday and I am going to have a "free"day so I want to be good until then. I was sooo good yesterday, a work colleague brought in home made pastries. They were laying out on the kitchen bench all day and I didn't succumb, I am so proud of myself.

Anyhow better go and start some work.

ps Just got my book, cant wait to start reading it tonight.

Tuesday 28 August 2007


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I'm eating so many veges, I'm stating to look like a head of broccoli.It's all good though, but I do miss the carbs every once in a while. OK everyday, NO EVERY BLOODY DOG DANG MINUTE OF THE DAY!!!. On the plus side I do feel better,have regular daily ablutions and my body shape is changing.So all is good at the moment, STILL waiting for my new book to arrive, hopefully today as I cannot bear the thought of being on the shakes for another week.
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Today I have the day off work I have the rounds of Dr's to see (three) just what I love doing on a day off - NOT!

Friday 24 August 2007


As we say here in Australia, I have been "flat out like lizard drinking" and havn't had much time to blog.

My weigh in was a non event - I stayed the same. I suppose it was to much to ask for a loss after my gigantor effect last week and also the fact I have had a couple of cheat days, so all in all a pleasing result.

Am feeling a bit bored on this diet at the moment, the new book I have ordered still hasn't arrived so am waiting for it eagerly.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Tuesday 21 August 2007


Late last night ( and I emphasis late) I attempted to change my blog template and screwed it up big time.I very nearly lost the whole blog.

As you can see my blog appears smaller and squashed in, can anyone tell mw how to change this back???

Last week I was tagged by Mick (White Rose Boy), my apologies to Mick for not doing straight away, so here goes.


5 Things in my Refrigderator

- Veges,veges and more veges
- Skim Milk
- Eggs
- Cask of water
- Dog Food

5 Things in my Car

- Bat out of Hell CD
- Tissues
- Pen
- Street Directory
- Umbrella

5 Things in my Purse

- Money
- Credit cards
- Old Receipts
- Photo of my Daughter
- Drivers License

5 Things in my Closet

- Clothes
- Shoes
- Handbags
- Wedding Dress
- Hats

5 Things I want to see before I die.

- My weight down to at least 80 kilos( 176lbs)
- My daughter happy and content with her life
- Pyramids
- Tahiti
- Ireland

OK, the diet. Well the diet has been particulary hard, no bloody hard since starting back on it last Sunday. I am really struggling with it at the moment. I have the bad headaches back and my body is craving for some carbohydrates.A lesson has been learned. This is not a diet that can be broken, as it totally stuffs up the good work previously done. I feel totally craptastic again and it is taking all my resolve not gorge myself.

Monday 20 August 2007


Back on the plan,after a small deviation on Saturday. Hubby and I went to a friends birthday bash, we both ate way to much and I also downed a few too many red wines. I didn't get too stressed about not sticking to my plan and I certainly was not going to take my shakes and eat the rabbit food. Sunday saw me get back on the wagon, so to speak.

We have had a couple of cold and rainy days here, you know the ones where the only thing you want to eat are the carbohydrate, dripping in saturated fat type foods - every obese person's Nirvana. I have struggled with the plan I must admit, particularly today and am already thinking what I can have for dinner (and I've just finished lunch). I need a hypnotist to get my mind of the food! Arrrrr

Having said all of this, yesterday I was shopping and bought myself a pair of size 20 jeans! WOW. A huge thing for me, as I cannot remember the last time I was a size 20, so am really happy with that. Every time I start thinking about food today, I think of my jeans and how I'll be an 18 soon. There is a god after all!!!

Thursday 16 August 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketFirst thing this morning I jumped on the scales and was ecstatic to see the numbers.

I weighed in at 119kg. That's a loss of 3.4kg or 7.48lbs!!!


Can you tell that I'm happy about that. I could not believe it when I saw the numbers this morning and had weighed myself three times just to make sure it was right and yep 119kgs.

Just to give you a post mortem on my week. I started on a low carb high protein plan last week replacing two meals with protein shakes,having two pieces of low GI fruit, a salad with lunch and a serve of protein with veges at dinner. I was supposed to have no more than 120g of protein, but I really had more most nights 150-200g of steak,chicken,cheese. It was tough the first 3 days and I had bad all day headaches for 3 1/2 days, but after that it was easier, though a bit boring I must say. I have run out of the shakes, so will keep to a low carb regime until I can get to the shops again on the weekend.

I have ordered a book which the lovely Chubbymum told me about called "Neris & India's Idiot Proof Diet" which is a low carb diet, just what I'm looking for, so am excited about that.

I want to add also since I've been drinking 2 litres of water a day, my skin is clearer and I feel better in myself. One small change I have also noticed the roof of my mouth is smooth and not rough like it was obviously that was a hydration issue.

Anyway better go and do some work bye for now!

Tuesday 14 August 2007


First of all ,the answer to my question re song title on my last post is "The Milkshake" from the 80's movie "You Can't Stop the Music". You will all be forgiven about not knowing this movie, it starred Valerie Perrine and featured the Village People. I watched it recently on cable and it is soooo bad and has not dated well. I am embarrassed to say I actually saw this at the movies when it was released and enjoyed it. Ha! obviously my taste has refined over the years.

Still going on with the shakes. Thanks for all your comments on my last post. You are all absolutely right in what you all said.These are certainly not a long term option and quite frankly I am starting to feel the motivation waning, due to being limited in what I can eat.
Today is a colleagues 50 th birthday and I plan to have a piece of the Tiramisu cake I have ordered. My big challenge is to stop at one small piece. I have mentioned before I find I do better if I abstain from the treats, when I have them it only wets my appetite for more, then I think oh well, one more wont hurt, then it snowballs from there.
One thing is for sure, if I don't continue on with the shakes after Thursday, I definitely will be keeping to a restricted carbohydrate regime. My reason is I have done the hard yards with the headaches I had for 4 days, so I don't want to undo all that work (and suffering lol!).

I am putting out my feelers for a plan that is high Protein and low carbs, I know about Atkins, can anyone think of something else. I have heard about the South Beach diet, does anyone know the principles of this diet or tried it?? I'd be interested to know.
I'll leave you all with my thought for the day.

Sunday 12 August 2007


How many of you remember or more like it, own up to knowing the song whose lyrics share the name of this post? Bonus points if you name the movie it came from.
I have gone back on the protein shakes. I had been umming and arghing want to do, so since I had some left over from my last attempt I decided to use them up.
I have a shake for breakfast and one for lunch with a salad. I allow myself to have 2 pieces of low GI fruit mid morning and afternoon. Dinner is 120-150grams of protein with veges from my free list. No bread, potatoes,pumpkin, rice,corn,peas (all the yummy ones). I'm having around 1200 cals and 80 grams carbohydrates a day.
I've cut out the caffeine and am drinking 2 litres of water a day.
So how am I doing? I have just finished Day 4 (a record for me I might add) and it has been tough I must admit. Not so much hungry, but empty, does that make sense? At first I struggled with the water,but now seem to have hit my straps with it. The worst part by far has been the horrible headaches which have eased somewhat today, so fingers crossed I have gotten over the worst of it. Oh and the continual running to the loo particularly at night has been a pain, but at least I know my kidneys are getting a good flush out.
I don't know how long I can sustain this, I have enough for a week so I'll evaluate it at the end of the week to see if I'll continue. I've had a peek on the scales and happy with how they have moved already - sorry don't want to say until my weigh in on Thursday.
It's one day at a time for me.

Thursday 9 August 2007


Time to get serious again about losing weight.

My commitment of last week to at least watch what I ate did not go to plan. It started off with a call from my Dr telling me the blood test I had for the gluten intolerance had been "compromised" so it would have to be done again in 2 months time as if they did it now it would not be a true reading as I have been eating gluten free for the past few weeks.

Compromised, don't you just love that word ,so ambiguous and medical talk for, "We don't know what the f*ck happened". So, being the good Celtic Girl that I am, I have been eating EVERYTHING gluten laden. Apple pie with cream everyday, pies. sausage rolls, kranksy's in pastry, KFC the sorry list goes on.

I weighed in today for a gain of .200 grams which surprised me I must admit considering what I've eaten over the past week. So it's back to the straight and narrow for me, which frankly I'm looking forward to as I must admit I feel fat and crappy at the moment from all the junk. I've got a birthday coming up in a little over 3 weeks so I would like to be at the 118 kg mark again.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: "Action is the antidote to despair".

Tuesday 7 August 2007





Monday 6 August 2007


The pain in my ribs is getting better - thank goodness. I have been able to cut down on the painkillers considerably, only taking 1 lot in the morning. I still have to watch what I lift with my right arm and bending is a problem, but otherwise AOK.

Spent the weekend watching DVD's, Hannibal Rising (What a yawn - don't bother with this one.) The Illusionist ( entertaining,clever twist at the end 6/10) and Hot Fuzz (Quite funny, I am a fan of British humour 6/10).

Sunday I went to the shops as Estee Lauder had their gift with purchase on and I needed some foundation, also bought a nice new lipstick. When I got home I pampered myself with a body exfoliation and moisturise and treated my hair to a lovely L'Oreal hair treatment I purchased - very nice. I smelt so darn good the dog was following me around for the rest of the night!!! lol.

Have I mentioned I am now a redhead, must post a photo, it's a mahogany red, quite a change from my blonde and warm browns I usually have. I really like it and will keep it for a while(my hairdresser will be pleased!!!)

Saturday 4 August 2007


Who said Australian men were not romantic?

Of course I love ya darlin
You're a bloody top-notch bird
And when I say you're gorgeous
I mean every single word

So ya bum is on the big side
I don't mind a bit of flab
It means that when I'm ready
There's somethin' there to grab !

So your belly isn't flat no more
I tell ya, I don't care
So long as when I cuddle ya
I can get my arms round there

No Sheila who is your age
Has nice round perky breasts
They just gave in to gravity
But I know ya did ya best

I'm tellin' ya the truth now
I never tell ya lies
I think its very sexy
That you've got dimples on ya thighs

I swear on me nanna's grave now
The moment that we met
I thought you was as good as
I was ever gonna get

No matter what u look like
I'll always love ya dear
Now shut up while the footy's on
And fetch another beer.