Hubby and I had a day off work today as I had two specialists appointments.As I predicted in an earlier post, I have to go through the plethora of tests gain.Yuck! I had so much blood taken today I just about needed a transfusion and worst of all I have to have a Bone Scan.Now for 95% of people who have these it is nothing, but to me it's a nightmare. You see I'm one of those people who get C-L-A-U-S-T-R-O-P-H-O-B-I-C and the mere thought of it terrifies me.The last time I had one I had to tell them to stop as I was getting quite panicky. The Dr told me I may have to be admitted to get things under control but wont know until next week after the results are in.You see my immune system is playing havoc with my body at the moment and causing the arthritis and bowel inflammation.Also having bad night and day sweats which I thought were the start of menopause but alas no, so I have to record my temperature 4 times a day for a week.I'm normally a bit blase when it comes to my health, but I'm a bit worried as the Dr said it is serious.Anything to do with the immune system is a bit hit and miss as far as treatment is concerned.All I can do is try and stay positive.
Tomorrow my workplace is closing early so we all can attend a former colleague's funeral.Danny was only 55 and had Motor Neurone disease, he lasted 12 months longer than he was given and was tenacious to the end. He showed me (like so many others I have nursed) the incredible fighting spirit we as humans have when faced with adversity.It's ironic, his service will be held in the same Chapel as my brothers service was held last July and I am a little scared of going and reliving some of those emotions. One of those mourners was Danny, he struggled down the aisle on his crutches to pay his last respects, something my mother and I will never forget,tomorrow we will both be there for him. I am sad he is gone but relieved for him and his family, he is now at peace.
Makes my problems seem insignificant.
22 hours ago
I'm so sorry to hear about your ailments I'll be thinking about you and keeping my fingers crossed the medical people can sort it all out soon.
I must admit I hate funerals but sometimes you have got to go to pay respects, they are such sad occasions.
I will be thinking of you tomorrow (today) when you have to go to your friend's funeral... it will be very hard being in the same chapel again after your brother's funeral.... I find any funeral very hard since I lost both my brothers and father tragically (in seperate accidents).
You have me all worried about you now! I have had anxiety attacks for many years, all sorts of things set me off, these days I meditate, do relaxation excercises and just try and chill out a bit more, instead of being so bloody anal about everything.
Do you have someone going in with you to hold your hand? They probably dont' let anyone do that I guess.
I hope you are ok...We all go on about uninimportant stuff when our health is really all that matters.
My thoughts are with you.
You are a worry girlfreind! Look after yourself ok?
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